I have a problem getting my PIR's to work in Home Assistant.
It shows up as an entity and I can see them in logg. But there is no action. Seem there is no data from them. Only get the value "false".
Have PIR on some cameras, that works ok.
It seems that I get data from the PIR when looking in the loggs. They do what supposed to as PIR in the alarm system

{"status":"success","data":{"systemlog":{"event":[{"time":"1615931403","raw":"0010000100000000","text":"Zone 16 IR-Kitchen Closed"},{"time":"1615932196","raw":"0010000200000000","text":"Zone 16 IR-Kitchen Open"},{"time":"1615932196","raw":"0010000100000000","text":"Zone 16 IR-Kitchen Closed"},{"time":"1615934291","raw":"0010000200000000","text":"Zone 16 IR-Kitchen Open"},{"time":"1615934291","raw":"0010000100000000","text":"Zone 16 IR-Kitchen Closed"},{"time":"1615934366","raw":"0C000F2700000000","text":"WWW LOGIN OK, User 9999 Engineer"},{"time":"1615934842","raw":"0010000200000000","text":"Zone 16 IR-Kitchen Open"},{"time":"1615934842","raw":"0010000100000000","text":"Zone 16 IR-Kitchen Closed"}]}}}
Running latest version of HA and SPC4300 | ver. 3.11.1 | R.38577