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No SIA 'BA' event raised

Posted: Sun 12 Feb 2017, 16:11
by beanian
I'm using the spc-node-mqtt to integrate with my home automation controller. I'm having an issue when an alarm is activated. The only event I receive when the alarm is activated is a 'ZO' event. I was expecting to also receive a 'BA' event as the alarm is sounding.
I have logged every SIA message received to the console and no other related events are received. I also see the same behaviour on the test webpage when I connect the WebSocket. I have check the EDP settings on the Panel and 'Alarm Activation' is one of the selected event to send to the SPC Web Gateway.
Any Ideas?

Re: No SIA 'BA' event raised

Posted: Sun 12 Feb 2017, 16:46
by gol
Are you sure that the BA event is not just delayed. The delay time is set in System Timers -> Dialler Delay (default is 30 seconds I think)
If you have defined multiple areas, it is also important that you check the correct area in EDP filter settings.


Re: No SIA 'BA' event raised

Posted: Mon 13 Feb 2017, 20:22
by beanian
Aha! That's it. I wasn't aware of that timer.
Thanks for your help :D