Startup script needs changing
Posted: Sat 14 Nov 2015, 15:53
The /etc/init.d/spc-web-gateway scripts wouldnt work for me was getting “start-stop-daemon: unable to stat”
so had to change
by adding $DAEMON_PATH to the -exec:
Now 'service spc-web-gateway stop|start' works perfect.
Not sure why the PATH variable (which sets /opt/spc-web-gateway) wasnt working, but this was a quick fix.
The /etc/init.d/spc-web-gateway scripts wouldnt work for me was getting “start-stop-daemon: unable to stat”
so had to change
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start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile $PIDFILE --make-pidfile --background --chdir $DAEMON_PATH --exec $NAME -c $RUN_AS > $LOGFILE 2>&1
Code: Select all
start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile $PIDFILE --make-pidfile --background --chdir $DAEMON_PATH --exec $DAEMON_PATH/$NAME -c $RUN_AS > $LOGFILE 2>&1
Not sure why the PATH variable (which sets /opt/spc-web-gateway) wasnt working, but this was a quick fix.