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Posted: Fri 06 Jun 2014, 17:40
by gol
This is program template written in Javascript that can be used to send SIA-events from the SPC panel by push mail.

To be able to run the program you need to install NodeJS and some NodeJS addon modules.

Install NodeJS

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get update
sudo wget
sudo dpkg -i node_latest_armhf.deb
Check the installation with: node -v

Install required addon modules

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sudo npm install websocket
sudo npm install emailjs
Install spc-notify-mail

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tar xzvf spc-notify-mail.tar.gz
cd spc-notify-mail
Modify the settings in config.json according your environment and email account.
In spc-notify-mail.js, function manageSiaEvent() you have to add all SIA-event types you want to be managed by the program. Look in the SPC documentation for definitions of the SIA-event types.

Run the program with: ./spc-notify-mail.js

Re: Template

Posted: Tue 09 Aug 2016, 10:05
by BigSwede
Here is an example of a SystemD startup script for NodeJS email notify script.
Using Raspbian Jessie. I placed a plugin directory under the installation directory.
Please adjust path's to match your system.

Create file in /etc/systemd/system

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cd /etc/systemd/system
touch spc-notify-email.service
chmod 664 spc-notify-email.service
nano spc-notify-email.service

Code: Select all

Description=SPC Notify Email plugin

ExecStart=/usr/bin/node /opt/spc-web-gateway/plugins/node-spc-notify-email-master/node-spc-notify-email.js

Update SystemD, install and start.

Code: Select all

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable spc-notify-email.service
systemctl start spc-notify-email.service
Good luck.