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No last Part-Set User info available?

Posted: Sun 04 Apr 2021, 22:48
by crallian
I am looking into some bugfixes for the Home Assistant integration.

Before introducing a percieved "breaking change", I would like to ask if there is any way in the Web Gateway to get info about which user did the last Part-Set A/B?
Today there is a user presented in HA, but it is "sometimes" the wrong one... And according to the Gateway-docs it looks like only Unset and Full-set users are available?

Edit: My suggestion is to show user: N/A for Part-Set instead of the wrong one, but it would of course be much better if we could present the correct user ID.

Best regards

Re: No last Part-Set User info available?

Posted: Mon 05 Apr 2021, 08:08
by gol
It is not possible to ask SPC about who last Partset the system (No support in EDP protocol).
But actually, the Partset Event (NL) contains the user who has Partset the system.

Re: No last Part-Set User info available?

Posted: Tue 06 Apr 2021, 06:41
by crallian
Thank you!